September 22

I officially got confirmation that we’ll be working from home until at least January and it got me thinking about the last 7 months or so since I began working at home.

I started wFH sometime the week of March 9th. Wild to look back at the HR e-mail that says there’s a possibility we’ll be working from home that next week, and if so, it will be temporary. By that Friday everyone from our team had transitioned to working from home and here I am almost 7 months later!

For the first few weeks of WFH, I hadn’t taken my monitors or other items from the office since I was still under the impression this was only going to be for a week or two. I was working on my laptop on the couch or kitchen island which is fine with me for a few weeks. Then maybe 2 weeks later, I got an e-mail saying I had until that afternoon to get anything I needed from my desk and the office would be closing (still “temporarily”). I was in Tahoe so I hopped in the car right away and went down to Reno to collect a few things.

Then, starting April 3rd, I was put on furlough. Another “temporary” measure that ended up lasting a full three months, so grateful I was able to collect unemployment! What’s really crazy is I wasn’t allowed to work at all, not even look at e-mails, but we also were on a strict lockdown at that point. Such a bizarre feeling, all the time and freedom in the world with no job and no kids, but not allowed to go anywhere. T and I definitely made the best of it!

There was some nervousness because I wasn’t sure about the status of my job or how long I wouldn’t be working. Once we go the update June 1 that we’d be back for sure in July, I felt like I was finally able to relax a little bit knowing I had a job to come back to. My first day back was July 6th after the 4th of July weekend. What a cluster fuck that first month was!! Really the first 6-8 weeks were just spent playing catch up on the three full months where nothing was getting done. It felt like everything was needed immediately (which is was) and I was completely overwhelmed. The working from home factor has never bothered me though! I already work with most of my team in different states anyway, so it’s not a huge adjustment for me. I do have some more flexibility being at home which I love.

So now, it’s just the new normal. I’ve been working at home post-furlough for almost three months now and it’s starting to feel very familiar. I’m getting into a groove and I have an office set up more or less. The pros outweigh the cons in my situation I think:


  1. Flexible schedule – When there is a break mid-afternoon I can exercise or go for a walk without someone monitoring my location. I can also work until 6pm or later but be at home so I’m not stuck in the office.
  2. House upkeep – In that same vein, if I have 5 minutes between meetings I can do a load of laundry real quick which has freed up some of my time after hours.
  3. No commute – I can wake up at 7 and be checking my e-mail by 7:15, love that earlier start to the day.
  4. Don’t have to get ready/wear makeup – I can hop on a call straight from a workout helping me maximize my time, I don’t have to spend 20 mins – 1 hr to be presentable after a run or sculpt class.


  1. Don’t have to get ready/wear makeup – I do miss having a reason to dress up! Some days I’ll get a little more dolled up to hang around the house.
  2. Limited social interaction – without seeing coworkers in person, sometimes I can go a couple days without seeing anyone face to face (other than my handsome husband 🙂

Overall, it has been a really interesting experience. Like I said above, I personally really enjoy working from home. I love all the freedom it gives me. We are slated to go back into the office in some degree in January, but I’m hoping that once more travel opens up I’ll be able to work remotely somewhere for a few months! Maybe a repeat of Mexico City. A girl can dream!