Tag: To-do

I don’t believe there is a “right” way to travel – everyone has a different travel style.  For Tillman and me, it’s always lots of exploring and eating and we always try to follow the rule: If a local invites you to do something with them (within reason of course, haha) do it! With that said, here are eight things I recommend checking out in Havana:


Take a tour – We actually didn’t take a tour ourselves,

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You know when you’re 100% sure about something and then you find out you’re completely wrong? Like my friend who was positive the song lyrics to Purple Haze were, ‘excuse me while I kiss this guy’ instead of ‘excuse me while I kiss the sky’ or the guy I worked with who didn’t know pickles were cucumbers…. (yeah, really.) Well, it happened to me this weekend and blew my mind!

For my entire life,

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