August 31

Well, I’ve decided to pick up the blog again. We aren’t traveling at the moment, but I’ve been meaning to write more. Plus it’s fun to look back at some of the day to day. My birthday is coming up on Friday and I’m going to make it a goal to write weekly (ideally daily) for the next year. I’ve tried this goal before and never stuck to it. I don’t know what is so difficult about keeping a daily journal. Is it inconvenient? No. Is it difficult? No. Is it enjoyable? Usually. So here goes a new challenge to myself.

I think a lot of us are going crazy during covid. Such a weird combination of feeling like I’m not doing enough, but also overwhelmed. I read something the other day that asked “If you could continue one habit until the end of the year, where would you be in January?” It made me realize if I can just pick one or two things to make a positive habit, my life would be in a better place four months from now. Easier said than done!

I’m going to do my best to give myself grace here. I’ve been having a hard time lately and feeling a little (a lot) lost with my direction. Instead of making some crazy goals I’m going to try and keep it simple. Move a little every day and write something down regularly. Even if it’s just rambling – this post can be exhibit A.

I always like to think of the night before my birthday as my own personal “new years eve”, so what better time to start something new. I though some things would be different going into 33. My personal timeline isn’t quite where I thought it would be. I’m trying to teach myself to shift focus away from those things that I can’t control, but am kicking myself for not accomplishing yet. I think a key to happiness is not focusing so heavily on these things and not comparing myself so closely to others. Just because we are the same age doesn’t mean we are all on the same timeline and I have to accept that some things are out of my control. I know that seems basic, however, have a SUPER hard time with this concept.

So here to a year of writing it out. A year of focusing more on what I can control and letting go of what I can’t. A year of “holding things with a looser grip.” And if nothing else, a year of documenting things that I can look back on as my own personal new year progresses.